Fall 2020 Topics
Vivienda Bibliografía Tenant Resources, Rice County, List of available affordable housing Video: What Constitutes Affordable Housing? MPR News Housing Resources List, City of Northfield, Housing and Redevelopment La “bomba de tiempo” en las calles de las principales ciudades de Estados Unidos, BBC Mundo Recursos: Alojamiento, Northfield Public Library Final Public Charge Rule Published, [...]
Vacunación COVID en la comunidad latina
Vacunación COVID en la comunidad latina Lecturas para la primavera 2021: Latinos enfrentan barreras para vacunarse Hispanos enfrentan barreras para obtener vacuna de COVID-19 Register for a COVID vaccination Preguntas frecuentes sobre la fabricación de las vacunas contra el COVID-19 ¿Quién puede vacunarse? Video: Vacunación contra COVID-19 y la comunidad [...]
Salud Bibliografía Lista de recursos de salud en el condado Rice, Northfield Public Library Rice County Community Health Improvement Plan, Rice County Community Health Services Conexiones comunitarias, Link Center Northfield CLUES Comunidades latinas Unidas en Servicio – *Haz clic en “servicios & programas” para ver los recursos de salud en español Health Finders [...]
Retos de envejecer lejos de casa
Retos de envejecer lejos de casa Lecturas: CLUES Latino elder program What is a livable community? -- ver video Edadismo en el lugar de trabajo Age-friendly Northfield video Migrantes latinos de la tercera edad sufren vulnerabilidad social y financiera en EEUU Ciudades y comunidades amigables con las personas mayores FiftyNorth: [...]
Recursos Vivienda en el condado Rice
http://www.co.rice.mn.us/337/Tenant-Resources http://www.co.rice.mn.us/327/Housing
Programa TORCH
www.northfieldtorch.org The mission of TORCH is to support and empower students in graduating from high school and pursuing future goals, with an intentional focus on partnering with Northfield’s students of color, youth from low income families, and first-generation college attendees. The Northfield TORCH program is a collaboration among members of the school […]
Northfield Promise
www.northfieldpromise.org Northfield Promise is a community movement to enable all Northfield area children to thrive, from cradle to career. This work is accomplished by connecting and aligning resources, programs and community members to collaborate toward measurable results on 10 benchmarks throughout every child’s life. By aligning all major community institutions […]
Northfield Community College Collaborative
https://northfieldccc.org Through the Northfield Community College Collaborative – the NCCC, for short – anyone with a high school diploma or GED can take in-person or online classes through Riverland Community College and other institutions. They can also receive tutoring, career planning assistance and other student supports.
Movilidad Bibliografía Minnesota House votes to allow drivers licenses for immigrants in the country illegally, Star Tribune Living in a Car Culture without a License, American Immigration Council Video: No arrestarán a inmigrantes por conducir sin licencia en condado de EEUU, Mundo Hispánico ¿Qué pasa si conduzco sin [...]
Minnesota Council on Latino Affairs (Consejo de Asuntos Latinos)
https://mn.gov/mcla/ MCLA es una agencia estatal que asesora al gobierno sobre asuntos de interés para los latinos que viven en Minnesota. Es un puente de comunicación y colaboración entre los latinos y el gobierno, el sector privado y las organizaciones sin fines de lucro.